Samphetamine® is a groundbreaking new form of medication that provides fast-acting relief to the common symptoms of modern existence.

Manufactured in Bristol, England, by Samuel J. Bird, this site offers you a free sample of Samphetamine® which can be enjoyed by simply clicking on the pills to experience the various types of relief. 

Should symptoms of existential angst worsen upon digesting Samphetamine®, please rest assured that this is perfectly normal. In such cases, we recommend using your cursor to rearrange the pills on screen until the panic subsides.

Studies show that 95% of healthcare professionals think Samphetamine® will make a positive impact on your life.* To experience the full benefits please consider purchasing your first course of medication here.

For further information please refer to our
Frequently Asked Questions.

Or for any specific enquires, contact:

Website & design by Tom Bird
Illustrations by Gabriel Carr

Samphetamine® is a groundbreaking new form of medication that provides fast-acting relief to the common symptoms of modern existence.

Manufactured in Bristol, England, by Samuel J. Bird, this site offers you a free sample of Samphetamine® which can be enjoyed by simply clicking on the pills to experience the various types of relief.

“click me” ︎︎︎

Should feelings of existential angst worsen following the digestion of Samphetamine®, please rest assured that this is perfectly normal. In such cases, we recommend using your finger to rearrange the pills on screen until the panic subsides.

Studies show that 95% of healthcare professionals think Samphetamine® will make a positive impact on your life.* To experience the full benefits please consider purchasing your first course of medication here.


For further information please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions.

Or for specific enquiries, contact: